Have you thought about how essential it is to have your "home office" well equipped and organized? The pleasure of every freelancer is working from the comfort of your home, right. But that doesn't necessarily mean you have to sit at the kitchen table and work from your notebook in an uncomfortable position, with the noise of an engine playing in the window, watching your younger siblings or children argue, and the discomfort that all of this can cause. In fact, if you work in a place like this, even that could be a threat to your productivity and your results. Why not have your own space, equipment and resources to help increase your productivity? So that you can organize yourself better in this post, we are going to share with you which are the elements that you do or should have in your perfect "home office". You will see that they are simple to get and perform. We hope that after knowing these details you can get better organized, work more comfortably and enhance your career as a freelancer.

It can help: What is a freelancer?

The 10 essential elements that your "home office" should have

1) Computer

Computers are an essential part of your office. "Desktop computers, notebooks, both?" is one of the first questions you'll be asking yourself. The truth is that the answer will depend on your preferences, needs and possibilities. If your work requires a lot of travel it is a good idea to have a laptop. If, on the other hand, you need a powerful computer for work as a graphic designer, perhaps in that case it is better to have a desktop computer.

2) Internet connection

It is essential to be connected to the web. A broadband connection is always recommended to speed up time, so make sure you hire a reliable service provider! You'll need stability and signal strength to do your job smoothly. When you are freelancing from home the internet connection is one of the main tools you have. Remember that it is fundamental not only to carry out your tasks, but you also need it to always be in touch with your clients. And, as you know, clients feel more secure when they know you are there for them whenever you need it. This availability will help you get better and better customers and have long-term relationships with them and that will ensure you have a better income and more financial stability.

3) Peripherals

Here the list goes on: monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, scanner, webcam, headphones... The important thing is that you have a wide monitor screen (the dimensions will depend on the work you do; whatever is more practical, even having two monitors). And that the printer and scanner respond very well to do quality work in your home office.

4) Telephone / Smartphone

It's not a minor detail and it's often overlooked! And remember that they are complementary to voice over IP tools. When you work from home as a freelancer, it will be very useful to have your landline phone and smartphone always at hand. If you are going to use your home phone, make sure it is a dedicated line for your contacts. If this is not possible, make sure you always maintain a professional attitude, especially during office hours. This may seem obvious to you, but it is essential that you consider it. We never tire of saying that good and fluid communication will help you to have a better relationship with your clients. And if the client is satisfied with your work, besides giving you more projects, he will recommend you to other clients who also need your services.

5) Furniture

Desk, chair, even cupboards or shelves for filing documents, books or miscellaneous items. Make sure they are functional and adapted to your needs. The desk and chair should be ergonomic to encourage good posture during the hours of the working day. The best thing is that with the advance of design there is furniture that looks like "home furniture" that is very comfortable, useful and functional. We understand your fear that your home may look too much like an "office", but if you look hard enough you will be able to design a place that is warm and at the same time functional to work at your own pace.

6) Good lighting

Your office should have very good lighting, as much as possible natural. It will help you avoid headaches, eyestrain and even bad posture from not being able to see the screen properly.

7) Memos / Scores

No matter what your specialty is, memos and notebooks are super useful for setting priorities, making lists or outlines, downloading ideas and so much more. They are available in different materials and designs, for all tastes and are fundamental for having a home office.